ADT-200A - updating firmware - the bare metal way
Hans, HB9CBU, has created a new firmware version 1.36e for the ADT-200A . This release has a few very much needed updates I talked about with Hans - one of them making it possible to create a Rig file for CW Skimmer (which I am working on now). Unfortunately, updating the firmware turned out to not be an easy task. As I am on Mac OS X I looked for an easy way to talk to the serial device of the ADT-200A. The ADT-200A is connected via USB using the internal USB-to-Serial converter in the TRX. As such the TRX is recognized as device "/dev/cu.usbserial-1004079" on my Mac. After a bit of fiddling I came up with the following little Python script: ''' Created on 07.12.2012 @author: frgo ''' import serial def update ser = serial.Serial( '/ dev /cu.usbserial-1004079', 9600 ) ser.write( '$DNL?' ) ser.write( '\r' ) p0 = open("/ var /data/ frgo / Funk /ADT-200a/Firmware/H...