The ADT-200A SDR TRX in practice ... A talk @ DARC P31
Dr YLs es OMs ! On March 23rd I gave a presentation of the features of the ADT-200A Software Defined Transceiver at the local Amateur Radio Club, DARC e.V. OV Ermstal DOK P31 . The presentation focused on practical aspects of actually using the ADT-200A. We had about 15 radio amateurs (only OMs, unfortunately, HI) in the room and what was planned as a 1 hour talk turned into a 2 hour session ... We had fun using the TRX and two CW QSOs have been completed with RA9XU - about 3000 km with just 50 watts into a dipole on 40 meters. The exceptional performance of this TRX created some "wow" and "ah" effects - it was a pleasure listening to CW signals with just 150 Hz bandwidth - the digital CW filters are going down to 50 Hz (we used 150 Hz for the QSOs) and there's no signal degradation whatsoever. Really sweet ... One OM asked if I would by another TRX if I had all the money I can imagine - I just answered "Why should I ?" ... Fo...