
Es werden Posts vom 2012 angezeigt.

ADT-200A - updating firmware - the bare metal way

Hans, HB9CBU, has created a new firmware version 1.36e for the  ADT-200A  . This release has a few very much needed updates I talked about with Hans - one of them making it possible to create a Rig file for CW Skimmer (which I am working on now). Unfortunately, updating the firmware turned out to not be an easy task. As I am on Mac OS X I looked for an easy way to talk to the serial device of the ADT-200A. The ADT-200A is connected via USB using the internal USB-to-Serial converter in the TRX. As such the TRX is recognized as device "/dev/cu.usbserial-1004079" on my Mac. After a bit of fiddling I came up with the following little Python script: ''' Created on 07.12.2012 @author: frgo ''' import serial def update     ser = serial.Serial( '/ dev /cu.usbserial-1004079', 9600 )     ser.write( '$DNL?' )     ser.write( '\r' )     p0 = open("/ var /data/ frgo / Funk /ADT-200a/Firmware/H...

The ADT-200A SDR TRX in practice ... A talk @ DARC P31

Dr YLs es OMs ! On March 23rd I gave a presentation of the features of the ADT-200A Software Defined Transceiver at the local Amateur Radio Club, DARC e.V. OV Ermstal DOK P31 .  The presentation focused on practical aspects of actually using the ADT-200A. We had about 15 radio amateurs (only OMs, unfortunately, HI) in the room and what was planned as a 1 hour talk turned into a 2 hour session ... We had fun using the TRX  and two CW QSOs have been completed with RA9XU - about 3000 km with just 50 watts into a dipole on 40 meters.  The exceptional performance of this TRX created some "wow" and "ah" effects -  it was a pleasure listening to CW signals with just 150 Hz bandwidth - the digital CW filters are going down to 50 Hz (we used 150 Hz for the QSOs) and there's no signal degradation whatsoever. Really sweet  ... One OM asked if I would by another TRX if I had all the money I can imagine - I just answered "Why should I ?" ... Fo...

... Hamlib Backend for ADAT ADT-200A COMPLETED !

... yes, it's done. As announced in my other blog post I was working on the Hamlib Backend for the ADT-200A- it now is ready. The implemented capabilities available are: Caps dump for model: 2901 Model name: ADT-200A Mfg name: ADAT Backend version: 1.36 Backend copyright: Frank Goenninger, DG1SBG. License: Creative Commons Backend status: Beta Rig type: Transceiver PTT type: Rig capable DCD type: None Port type: RS-232 Serial speed: 115200..115200 bauds, 8N1 Write delay: 0ms, timeout 250ms, 3 retry Post Write delay: 20ms Has targetable VFO: N Has transceive: N Announce: 0x0 Max RIT: -9.999kHz/+9.999kHz Max XIT: -9.999kHz/+9.999kHz Max IF-SHIFT: -0.500kHz/+0.500kHz Preamp: 5dB 10dB Attenuator: 5dB 10dB 15dB 20dB 25dB CTCSS: None DCS: None Get functions: NB VOX NR Set functions: NB VOX NR Get level: PREAMP(0..0/0) ATT(0..0/0) AF(0..0/0) NR(0..0/0) CWPITCH(0..0/0) RFPOWER(0..0/0) MICGAIN(0..0/0) KEYSPD(0..0/0) METER(0..0/0) BKIN_DLYMS(...

A new Hamlib backend for the ADAT ADT-200A

Dear fellow OMs! I have been busy the last few days creating a new Hamlib backend for the ADAT ADT-200A  transceiver. This transceiver is the best one currently available for a hobbyist budget. I really can recommend this TRX for any ambitious radio amateur. A missing piece was the support of Hamlib for the ADT-200A. Well, Winter holidays are a perfect time to just sit down and implement this - so I did. The software will be released in a few days ... Just for a teaser here's a screenshot of an interactive session with rigctl (the control application of Hamlib): Terminal session on Mac OS X, connected to an ADAT ADT-200A via Hamlib 1.2.14 The session shows that there is a ADT-200A with Serial Nr 1004079 connected that has loaded Firmware version 1.36bg (This firmware version will soon be released - please be patient - final testing is happening these days). Huge thanks go to Hans, HB9CBU, the inventor of the ADAT ADT-200A. OM Hans helped me answer endless questions...