
 The Transverter Module for the ADT-200A ADAT Transceiver by Hans HB9CBU It took a while to complete the project - but Hans finally succeeded in finishing this very ambitious project: A 6m, 4m and 2m transverter module for the ADT-200A. This beauty is a complete receive and transmit module for the 6m, 4m and 2m Amateur Radio frequency bands. See also more information on  HB9CBU's website . Along with the new module a much improved and enhanced firmware version was developed by Hans: Version 1.40g is available for all ADT-200A owners directly from Hans HB9CBU. When installed into the ADT-200A, the back of the devices now has some more antenna sockets: On the frontpanel, the newly available frequencies along with new features for e.g. FM modulation are selectable. The ADT-200A is more than 10 years old now but still gets improvements through software upgrades. The quality of the RF and also audio sections in this device made Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rohde designate the ADT-200A as the "...

CELLAR - Gönninger B&T's Common Lisp Foundation Library

What is it? CELLAR is a set of classes, methods and functions in the Common Lisp language. This library is hosted on  Github  - brief info is given in  the project description . The library is the foundation of all GBT Common Lisp applications. It provides (not a complete list): A base class that ensures each instance gets associated a UUID A logging mechanism based on  Log4CL Most of the functions described in the book  On Lisp by Paul Graham An implementation of Finite State Machines and much more 😉- you are invited to explore ... For more info contact us at .

CW Skimmer support for the ADT-200A

Hi all - after a loooooooong time since my last post here I finally managed to complete the ADT-200A.ini file that makes the ADT-200A play with CW Skimmer . The file can be downloaded from: ADT-200.ini on Yahoo group "ADAT" You definitely should try it - HI ! 73, Frank DG1SBG

ADT-200A - updating firmware - the bare metal way

Hans, HB9CBU, has created a new firmware version 1.36e for the  ADT-200A  . This release has a few very much needed updates I talked about with Hans - one of them making it possible to create a Rig file for CW Skimmer (which I am working on now). Unfortunately, updating the firmware turned out to not be an easy task. As I am on Mac OS X I looked for an easy way to talk to the serial device of the ADT-200A. The ADT-200A is connected via USB using the internal USB-to-Serial converter in the TRX. As such the TRX is recognized as device "/dev/cu.usbserial-1004079" on my Mac. After a bit of fiddling I came up with the following little Python script: ''' Created on 07.12.2012 @author: frgo ''' import serial def update     ser = serial.Serial( '/ dev /cu.usbserial-1004079', 9600 )     ser.write( '$DNL?' )     ser.write( '\r' )     p0 = open("/ var /data/ frgo / Funk /ADT-200a/Firmware/H...

The ADT-200A SDR TRX in practice ... A talk @ DARC P31

Dr YLs es OMs ! On March 23rd I gave a presentation of the features of the ADT-200A Software Defined Transceiver at the local Amateur Radio Club, DARC e.V. OV Ermstal DOK P31 .  The presentation focused on practical aspects of actually using the ADT-200A. We had about 15 radio amateurs (only OMs, unfortunately, HI) in the room and what was planned as a 1 hour talk turned into a 2 hour session ... We had fun using the TRX  and two CW QSOs have been completed with RA9XU - about 3000 km with just 50 watts into a dipole on 40 meters.  The exceptional performance of this TRX created some "wow" and "ah" effects -  it was a pleasure listening to CW signals with just 150 Hz bandwidth - the digital CW filters are going down to 50 Hz (we used 150 Hz for the QSOs) and there's no signal degradation whatsoever. Really sweet  ... One OM asked if I would by another TRX if I had all the money I can imagine - I just answered "Why should I ?" ... Fo...

... Hamlib Backend for ADAT ADT-200A COMPLETED !

... yes, it's done. As announced in my other blog post I was working on the Hamlib Backend for the ADT-200A- it now is ready. The implemented capabilities available are: Caps dump for model: 2901 Model name: ADT-200A Mfg name: ADAT Backend version: 1.36 Backend copyright: Frank Goenninger, DG1SBG. License: Creative Commons Backend status: Beta Rig type: Transceiver PTT type: Rig capable DCD type: None Port type: RS-232 Serial speed: 115200..115200 bauds, 8N1 Write delay: 0ms, timeout 250ms, 3 retry Post Write delay: 20ms Has targetable VFO: N Has transceive: N Announce: 0x0 Max RIT: -9.999kHz/+9.999kHz Max XIT: -9.999kHz/+9.999kHz Max IF-SHIFT: -0.500kHz/+0.500kHz Preamp: 5dB 10dB Attenuator: 5dB 10dB 15dB 20dB 25dB CTCSS: None DCS: None Get functions: NB VOX NR Set functions: NB VOX NR Get level: PREAMP(0..0/0) ATT(0..0/0) AF(0..0/0) NR(0..0/0) CWPITCH(0..0/0) RFPOWER(0..0/0) MICGAIN(0..0/0) KEYSPD(0..0/0) METER(0..0/0) BKIN_DLYMS(...

A new Hamlib backend for the ADAT ADT-200A

Dear fellow OMs! I have been busy the last few days creating a new Hamlib backend for the ADAT ADT-200A  transceiver. This transceiver is the best one currently available for a hobbyist budget. I really can recommend this TRX for any ambitious radio amateur. A missing piece was the support of Hamlib for the ADT-200A. Well, Winter holidays are a perfect time to just sit down and implement this - so I did. The software will be released in a few days ... Just for a teaser here's a screenshot of an interactive session with rigctl (the control application of Hamlib): Terminal session on Mac OS X, connected to an ADAT ADT-200A via Hamlib 1.2.14 The session shows that there is a ADT-200A with Serial Nr 1004079 connected that has loaded Firmware version 1.36bg (This firmware version will soon be released - please be patient - final testing is happening these days). Huge thanks go to Hans, HB9CBU, the inventor of the ADAT ADT-200A. OM Hans helped me answer endless questions...